More than 1000 signatures in less than 24 hours. Sign to claim our rights

From we launched yesterday the collection of signatures on the platform, asking for fair treatment by Sony for PS4 users in the face of the more than likely launch of a vitaminized PS4, PS4K, after just now 3 years in the market.

In less than 24 hours more than 1,000 signatures have already been obtained and things are going up, but we need much more if we want to get Sony to take into account the voice of the users.

Therefore, we believe that the time to start moving the issue and ask for compensation is now, when Sony is still designing how to launch. The more noise we make, the more likely it will be that Sony will compensate users who opted for PS4 from the beginning.

For all these reasons, we continue to insist on signing and disseminating this campaign on

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Meet William Anderson, a versatile individual with a passion for creativity and a deep appreciation for the world of video games. Armed with a diploma from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, he entered the professional world in 2006. As a safety manager, operation dispatcher at PST Transport Inc from 2007 to 2009, William displayed his commitment to ensuring a safe and efficient work environment. Today, he thrives as a content creator and creative director, channeling his creativity into captivating projects. While he identifies as an introvert, William is a travel guru, blazing new trails in the web landscape. With an affinity for pop culture and a love for zombies, he is an evil beer scholar and a discerning analyst, always seeking to unravel the depths of his passions.