Next week we will have new ‘DOOM’ gameplays

Recently we were able enjoy for three days of an open beta of the long-awaited DOOM, which will be released this March 13 for PlayStation 4 and other current generation platforms. Unfortunately the beta only covered the multiplayer aspect and nothing about the campaign, since its purpose was detect errors on servers and fix them before the game is released.

Don’t worry, the company will not leave aside the campaign, although we will not have a new beta either. Bethesda Softworks has revealed new details about the next DOOM live presentation, which will take place this April 25 at 2 pm EDT / 6 pm GMT and where the studio will show new details about the promising creator mode “SnapMap”, which could give a new meaning to the multiplayer gameplay we know so far.

The promotion doesn’t end there. Executive producer Marty Stratton and creative director Hugo Martin will be present at the next broadcast live game on Wednesday, April 27 at 2 pm EDT / 6 pm GMT, where they will be playing new levels of the campaign that we have not seen so far, at the same time as they talk about the changes and development of this delivery.


‘Doom’ launches on May 13, new gameplay-trailer

Heavy Metal and real action for the new and shocking trailer for ‘DOOM’

Heavy Metal and blood in the new and brutal trailer for ‘DOOM’

The duration of the ‘DOOM’ campaign revealed

Bethesda talks customization and progress in ‘DOOM’

‘DOOM’ will perform at its best on PlayStation 4

The Cover of ‘Doom’ will be reversible and YOU decide the design

‘DOOM’ shows its multiplayer trailer and arrival date of its BETA

This will be the multiplayer modes of ‘Doom’

Check out demons, weapons and more in ‘DOOM’

‘DOOM’ Open Beta Begins April 15

‘DOOM’ open beta content announced

The ‘DOOM’ Beta will continue for 24 more hours

Performance evaluation of the ‘DOOM’ beta on PS4 and Xbox One

This is how the map creation tool works in ‘DOOM’

Almost an hour of the long-awaited ‘DOOM’ campaign

‘DOOM’ has an Easter Egg for fans of the classics

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