The duration of the ‘DOOM’ campaign revealed

DOOM is around the corner, Followers of the saga are already counting the days until they can enjoy the arrival of one of the shoots that set a standard in the world of video games. Id Software has already shown a trailer where we have been able to see all the forcefulness and all the weapons potential that its title will have from the beginning.

However, at the moment we did not know if his campaign was going to be worth it, at least in terms of duration and even more so when we see that this section takes on less and less importance in this type of games.

Well, we finally know that next May 13 (the day the game will arrive in stores) we will be able to enjoy a campaign of more than 13 hours of gameplay, yes, depending on the difficulty at which we play itThis has been confirmed by its creators on the official DOOM Twitter account.


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Meet Owen Cox, a passionate gamer with a rich history in the world of gaming. From owning nearly every console since the Atari 2600 to indulging in gaming for over two decades, Owen's love for gaming knows no bounds. With experience in gaming retail, he has had the opportunity to immerse himself in the vibrant gaming community and share his expertise with fellow enthusiasts. Additionally, Owen has worked at Deloitte USI, honing his professional skills in a dynamic environment. Currently, as an Inventory Specialist at Best Buy, he continues to contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of technology and gaming.