Kursk 2.0 is now available. Jujubee is fixing up its new production

Jujubee has just released an update for Kursk, which brings the title to version 2.0. The creators assure that, based on critical comments on the Steam platform, they have significantly improved their production, eliminating most of the errors.

However, they didn’t stop there. Kursk received new animations, a clearer interface, improved visual effects, new gameplay elements and improved audio, which will improve the game’s atmosphere even better. The loading time of subsequent game sequences has also been shortened.

Developers are also working to bring Kursk to both Linux and Mac with an expected release date in the first quarter of 2019.

The Kursk game debuted on November 7 in the PC version and was met with a lukewarm reception from players and reviewers. The plot of the production is inspired by the story of the sinking of the K-141 Kursk submarine. In the game, we play the role of a spy who finds himself on board a Russian nuclear ship. Our task is to obtain secret information about the revolutionary “Shkval” supercavitation torpedoes. While carrying out the mission, we become witnesses of dramatic events that shocked the world.

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