‘Civilization Revolution 2 Plus’ arrives this week on PlayStation Vita

After a few delays, it seems that Civilization Revolution 2 Plus will finally arrive this week in the PlayStation virtual store, since Wednesday. At the moment it has only been confirmed to arrive in the virtual store in the United States, at the moment there is no official confirmation as to whether it will arrive in Europe this week.

The game will arrive on PlayStation Vita with all the content and some additions such as scenarios and new civilizations such as the Japanese and all its expansions. The arrival of Civilization Revolution 2 Plus has not been a bed of roses, since the game was scheduled to launch almost a year ago, it was later delayed to January of this year and from then until today, when we received its announcement in the Store.


an accomplished IT professional with a wealth of experience in the high-tech industry. As the IT Team Lead for Validation and Embedded Software at Qualcomm, he leverages his expertise to drive innovation and ensure optimal performance. With a career spanning over 40 years in Silicon Valley startups and consulting, Henry has been at the forefront of technological advancements. From software engineering to management positions, his diverse skill set has enabled him to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology. Currently, as an IT Manager and Web Administrator, Henry continues to contribute his knowledge and expertise to shape the digital future.