Fans start Kickstarter campaign for ‘Life is Strange’ sequel

It seems that the success of Square Enix and Dontnod Entertainment with Life is Strange goes beyond what any developer could want for their projects, to the point of leading fans to finance a next installment without even prior consent of the development company.

This is a new Kickstarter campaign to finance Life is Strange 2, an unofficial request which comes from one of the fans, Kate Marsh, who hopes to see a sequel to the first and popular installment. The campaign starts because Dontnod has publicly announced that if they ever made another game of this styleit had to be with a different setting and characters, something that Kate Marsh does not seem to agree with since she wants keep watching the protagonists of the original game for having “unique” features.

This campaign is not really intended to finance the gamebut to demonstrate to the company the number of fans who would agree to see Life is Strage 2, and it is likely that it can reach a high number of founders or that be canceled within dayswe will have to wait to see it.

: 20 minutes after this news, the Kickstarter campaign was canceled by the founder without leaving an explanation.


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