Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has been massively criticized

The announcement of a major update to Counter Strike: Global Offensive caused quite a stir among players. On the one hand, a Battle Royal mode has been added to the game, which is highly praised by fans. On the other hand, the game’s transition to a free-to-play model caused a wave of criticism. Many people decided to vent their anger in negative reviews of the game on Steam.

The renaming of the production to the free model resulted in a number of changes. Every existing owner of the game received Prime status, which guarantees that only players with the same title will be matched to the game. Additional bonuses include a special badge visible on the player’s profile, one weapon model and a chest.

As it turns out, the change was received coldly, not to say badly. Since the update was introduced, there have been over 14,000 negative reviews of the game on Steam. Some of them describe the author’s bitterness quite extensively, while others boil down to explicit vulgarisms. However, the situation is saved by the fact that there are also several thousand people who expressed positive opinions about the changes introduced.

Regardless of the controversy aroused by the above-mentioned update, it had a positive impact on the statistics of the game itself. Currently, the daily active player count is around 700,000, which is a record number since 2017. The only question is, how long will this trend last? Perhaps this is only a temporary stimulus that will soon cease to affect the number of servers.

driven by a passion for technology and creative pursuits. As a tech analyst, he applies his expertise to analyze and optimize complex systems, ensuring organizations stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Beyond his analytical skills, Lawrence is an inventor and innovator, constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible. As a tutor and mentor, he shares his knowledge and inspires the next generation of aspiring minds. With a keen eye for creativity, Lawrence is also a content creator and creative director, crafting captivating experiences that resonate with audiences. Alongside his technological pursuits, he holds an advanced degree in Child and Youth Care, embodying his dedication to making a positive impact on young lives.