Images detail the advantages of pre-ordering the digital version of ‘Final Fantasy XV’

As many of you already know, Square Enix plans to release this next September 30 a new installment of the Final Fantasy series titled Final Fantasy XV, exclusive to the current generation platforms PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. However, when purchasing it, we have more options apart from a couple of platforms.

The title will be available both physically and in their digital versions through the PlayStation Store. Those who pre-order the game on PlayStation 4 through this system will receive the Masamune sword for the game, the dynamic Big Bang theme that features a design by Yoshitaka Amano, the additional content set Angler Set and an exclusive costume for the Regalia that features a 16-bit design of the game’s main characters.

You can take a look at an image with the advantages of booking the digital version of the game below:


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