That’s how The Outlast Trials prepares for Halloween this year

Red Barrels latest game, the The Outlast Trials it arrived on Steam in May, where only its early version is still available. However, this is going very well for the time being, as its approval index is 93% based on more than 28,000 votes, so we can say that it did at least as well as its two predecessors.

The developers are working hard to finish the game, and Halloween is one of the current stages of this. They are preparing for this with a separate update that brings several new features. Perhaps the most important of all is the arrival of Program 4: Courthouse, i.e. a brand new course. In addition, new weekly programs, MK challenges, and a limited-time, Halloween-themed event await players, the latter of which promises exclusive rewards.

On October 25, the game’s official music album will be uploaded to Spotify, recorded by Tom Salta, who previously worked on the music for Deathloop, Halo and Ghost Recon games, among others. Last but not least, a video was made that takes you behind the scenes of the creation of the game.

Meet Owen Cox, a passionate gamer with a rich history in the world of gaming. From owning nearly every console since the Atari 2600 to indulging in gaming for over two decades, Owen's love for gaming knows no bounds. With experience in gaming retail, he has had the opportunity to immerse himself in the vibrant gaming community and share his expertise with fellow enthusiasts. Additionally, Owen has worked at Deloitte USI, honing his professional skills in a dynamic environment. Currently, as an Inventory Specialist at Best Buy, he continues to contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of technology and gaming.