Warren Spector returns to the scene to direct ‘System Shock 3’

It seems that fate has once again wanted the person who once produced the original System Shock title to now direct it again. This is how it has been announced Warren Spector’s return to the front line of the video game worldthe creative will join OtherSide Entertainment, to direct the development of the recently announced System Shock 3.

For those who don’t know him, Warren Spector has been responsible for wonders like Deus Ex, Thief; The Dark Project or Epic Mickey among many other titles.

At this time, Spector himself was teaching classes in the city of Austin, so according to GameSpot, he would join the development of the game at the end of the semester.


Xavier Campbell, a dynamic professional with a diverse background in customer service, software project management, and web development. With experience as a customer advisor at B&Q from 2010 to 2014, Xavier honed his skills in delivering exceptional service. Transitioning into the tech industry, he excelled as a software project manager and senior web application developer. Currently, he thrives as a marketing analytics specialist, leveraging his expertise to drive data-driven strategies. As a freelance web fanatic, Xavier immerses himself in the ever-evolving digital landscape, aspiring to become a social media expert. While occasionally facing bouts of apathy, his unwavering passion for technology and marketing fuels his drive for success.