Why does Spotify stop by itself? | Causes and solutions

Spotify is one of the most used platforms today, it brings together millions of users who benefit from its services. It generally works very well offering positive features, but If you’re wondering what to do when Spotify stops by itself, In this article we show you some causes and possible solutions.

For most music lovers who turn to Spotify as their reliable source of music, having it stop unexpectedly can be a real inconvenience. The causes that lead to this can actually be very simple., and not offer you difficulties to solve the problem. This is why it is important that you stay up to date, and thus continuing your playback in just seconds will be a reality.

Why does Spotify stop by itself?

Internet instability

With the music streaming function you must connect Spotify to the Internet. Therefore Network instability may affect the smooth playback of songs, and even cause Spotify to stop.

Little internal storage

If your device is low on RAM or Spotify is full of cache it may cause it to stop. The reproduction of Spotify must be supported with sufficient memory on the device. Sometimes if the app is full of cache it may also cause app lag issue.

Not having the latest version of the app

Previous versions of Spotify they may have many internal errors that prevent songs from playing correctly. It is necessary to update it, and always have the latest version of the app.

Energy save mode

Another reason why Spotify stops by itself is the power saving mode of your mobile phone or other device you use. Over time when the battery is low enough, this mode will take care of turning off all services that could quickly drain the remaining charge. As expected, music playback is included in this list.

Open your account on multiple devices

If multiple login attempts are made with the same account, the issue may occur when another device is using it in parallel. Therefore signing out of all other devices may be enough to finish this problem.

What can we do when Spotify stops by itself?

Clear device storage and Spotify app cache

As is to be expected, being such a complete application that gathers so much information, for the normal operation of Spotify requires sufficient RAM. To have this you can delete the device storage and the Spotify cache, so free up more storage space and avoid problems of detention.

Turn off the battery saver feature on your device:

The phone’s power saving feature may prevent some applications from being used in the background. If you want to avoid this, you must disable this function.

To do this, follow the following steps:

  1. Go to your terminal settingsto do this, access it using the gear-shaped icon.
  2. Select the Applications section within the list of options.
  3. Look for the tab dedicated to Manage applications.
  4. Then tap on the Spotify application.
  5. Press Battery saving.
  6. Remove battery saver mode for this appselecting the No restrictions option.

Change the network connection to another or use mobile data:

Since network status greatly affects Spotify playback, to fix this issue you can first check the network you are using. Change the Internet connection for a more stable oneand it will thus be possible to solve this problem successfully.

Verify your account login:

Spotify only allows you to log into the same account on six devices at the same time. Therefore if Spotify stops by itself you can confirm the login status of your accountperhaps this is the drawback.

Customize data usage features:

If your device is facing the issue of Spotify stopping on its own, occasionally this is due to mobile data usage limitations.

What to do in this case?

  1. You can go to Setting in your device settings.
  2. Then search Data usage and later Reduce data, Next you must configure data access for each application, in this case Spotify.
  3. Finally you have to Enable Unlimited Data Access option.

Frequently update the application:

Updating the version can fix many of the internal errors of this platform. In case no other method works for you, the final alternative may be this, update, or uninstall and reinstall the Spotify app.

How can you get the most out of Spotify?

  • There is an option for a private session, where you will be hidden for at least six hours straight. An easier way to keep your Spotify activity private is to create secret playlists. to listen to your music. To create a secret playlist, you just have to press the three dots under your name and select the Make secret option.
  • You can also convert any of your playlists from public to private by simply changing the privacy settings.
  • For all karaoke fans with Spotify you can sing your favorite songs, To find this feature, look for the Lyrics option in the bottom right corner of the app when playing a song. If you click on this, You should see lyrics for almost every song in the library.
  • To expand your playlist, go to your playlist and select the Enhance button. Spotify will automatically add several new songs that adapt to your tastes. To continue receiving suggestions, simply leave this mentioned feature enabled.
  • Most people share Spotify songs via URL links or HTML embed codes. But there is an easier way to do it, in the desktop app you can just drag and drop them. Spotify will automatically convert this into a link for that song with title and artist name.

We hope that this article It has been useful to know the reasons why Spotify stops. This is common for some users, fortunately the solutions are usually simple. If you know any other information on the topic that we should add, let us know in the comments, and thus improve the experience of many Internet users on the popular platform. We read you.

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a visionary professional with a strong background in business strategy and education. Currently serving as the Director of Business Strategy at DFS, Zachary brings his expertise to drive growth and success. Previously, he held the position of Science and IT Advisor K-8 at the United Nations International School from 2014 to 2021, where he made a lasting impact on students' learning journeys. Additionally, Zachary has excelled as a Solution Architect for NGL Services, leveraging his problem-solving skills to develop innovative solutions. Beyond his professional pursuits, he is an avid gamer, entrepreneur, and unapologetic internet junkie. With a deep knowledge of pop culture and a devotion to music, Zachary embodies a well-rounded passion for all things digital and creative.