‘Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’ leaks on the PlayStation Store

This 2016 we look forward to the respective launches of various war titles of great relevance in the industry, such as Battlefield 5 and Tintanfall produced by Electronic Arts, and the annual Call of Duty title, this 2016 produced by Activision and Developing by Infinity Ward.

Regarding the latter, we do not have concrete information until now they lead us to the conclusion of where this installment will be located, referring to a classic, modern or futuristic war environment as has been the case in the last two installments. However already various rumors They suggest that this next Call of Duty will take place in a fictional future, with fantastical space battles that will leave behind everything we know about war titles.

This rumor has now gained momentum, since the PlayStation Store has posted a moment ago behind the name of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare in the “trends” category, which could indicate to us that this would be the possible title of the game. Even more interesting, another rumor claims that just as it happened mid April of last year with Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, the official reveal and announcement of Call of Duty: 2016 will arrive next week, during the first day of May.

You can check both rumors in the images below:


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Xavier Campbell, a dynamic professional with a diverse background in customer service, software project management, and web development. With experience as a customer advisor at B&Q from 2010 to 2014, Xavier honed his skills in delivering exceptional service. Transitioning into the tech industry, he excelled as a software project manager and senior web application developer. Currently, he thrives as a marketing analytics specialist, leveraging his expertise to drive data-driven strategies. As a freelance web fanatic, Xavier immerses himself in the ever-evolving digital landscape, aspiring to become a social media expert. While occasionally facing bouts of apathy, his unwavering passion for technology and marketing fuels his drive for success.