Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 review

And here we are, finally talking about the Soap and Price saga again… exactly where we left off on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
We will find ourselves catapulted onto the battlefield with an introductory scene that will see us in the role of mortally wounded Soap while Price and Nikolai are taking him to safety, in the throes of a series of very rapid mini flashbacks relating to the story so far.

The game will begin in a war-ravaged New York and will put you face to face with what immediately seems to be the guiding thread of this new MW3, and that is USA vs Russia, or it would be better to say World vs Makarov!!
After the short initial film with Soap and Price you will immediately be thrown into the fray and in knocking out a couple of Russians you will immediately find that sense of extreme satisfaction that only Modern Warfare is able to give.
In this first mission you will lead a squadron of the Delta Force impersonating Sgt. Frost, while in the subsequent missions you will play a series of characters belonging to various nations (from the Delta Force to the SAS, passing through the “revolutionaries”, Price, Soap and their “team”) and you will move in very different landscapes and climatic conditions (from New York to Paris, from Prague to London… just to name a few) as per tradition in the MW series.

In this first mission you will have the opportunity to quickly get back to grips with what Modern Warfare is, moving up and down the buildings of the big apple, among the streets of the city; making your way through the Russians by dint of fragmentation grenades and flash bangs, last-gasp shootouts and aerial clashes aboard a helicopter flying between the skyscrapers of NY (the sad days of Black Ops are long gone).
The beauty of this new chapter in fact places it light years away from COD: Black Ops, assuming that you found something beautiful in Black Ops; immediately giving you pure adrenaline, especially if played at the highest difficulty levels.


The graphics are excellent, giving a truly excellent gaming experience, the environments are really well done (perhaps some flaws in the creation of the explosions and water movements), in the campaign mode I didn’t find any particular graphic defects; campaign which, incidentally, I found longer, more exciting and difficult to complete than that of Battlefield 3 (in comparison: in the time it took me to complete the entire BF3 campaign I instead managed to complete slightly more of 60% of the MW3 campaign).
A few more flaws are certainly noticeable in the online multiplayer mode, but they are flaws common to all online FPS games.


The Modern Warfare saga has always been much loved by video game enthusiasts because the story is spectacular, very well thought out, but most of the emotions that playing it manages to convey are thanks to an audio worthy of a great Hollywood blockbuster.
The dubbing in this new MW3 is perfect, as always, with deep and inspired voices assigned excellently to the right characters; the audio of the game is spot on and never clashes with what you will see on the screen and is also accompanied by a splendid soundtrack, fantastic music written by fantastic composers who will accompany us throughout our journey in this new adventure given to us by the guys at Activision and Infinity Ward.


The possibility of playing online in this new MW is given by the classic multiplayer and the “Special Operations” mode.
Multiplayer is made up of “standard lists” and “advanced lists”, the former suitable for all players and including the most popular game modes such as deathmatch and team deathmatch, capture the flag and search and destroy; the latter are recommended for more expert players and can only be played after having been unlocked by reaching a certain “rank” in the online mode, consisting of modes such as moshpit, team tactical, essential and the classic modes re-proposed in a “veteran” key.
The menu of the online mode is practically identical to that of Modern Warfare 2 and this certainly brings back many good memories to the players’ minds, only the color of the menu changes which is now dark green instead of the classic orange of Modern Warfare 2.

For the rest everything as always, many classes, many weapons, team tags and player image… oh I almost forgot, also many campers, obviously this plague of online FPS never fails!
The game is very frenetic and more “instinctive” than what can be found on BF3, but the preferences towards one or the other title and their online modes are purely dependent on personal preferences as it is impossible to establish in this context which is the best
Precisely as it presents itself, the online mode simply seems like a great expansion of the multiplayer already seen in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (same menus, same bonuses, same atmosphere, same fun), and it is for this very simple reason that I consider it incredibly fun and with infinite longevity.
Obviously, however, you will only be able to find fun when you realize that you take the field with a level one soldier against people who are already level 67… that you don’t have the slightest idea of ​​where you’re going when you wander around the various maps while your opponents they know by heart and they also have the diagrams hanging in their room… that your rifle will initially be like a water gun compared to your opponent’s weapons… and that you will have to get used to your dear camper friends again… well, when you manage to do everything previously described you will be able to fully enjoy this new Infinity Ward title.


Let me be clear, many people had advised me against this new Modern Warfare 3, many had warned me that it would be a flop and I too, reading here and there, had promised myself to take any gaming experience on this title with a pinch of salt; but playing every single chapter of COD is something that every self-respecting FPS enthusiast must do and honestly, after spending the last few days eliminating hordes of enemies in Battlefield 3 I feel like I can describe the gaming experience of this new Modern Warfare 3 with a single word and three simple letters… WOW
Wow because:
I have never played an FPS that had a more beautiful story than the one conceived by Activision for the Modern Warfare saga and this new chapter only reinforces what I was already sure of,
From the first moment of gameplay the adrenaline will flow through your veins, giving you hours of excitement with this new chapter,

The feeling of satisfaction that an elimination on COD gives cannot be found anywhere else,
The soundtrack that accompanies this title is fantastic, managing to give emotions that are difficult to describe and that you will understand only by playing,
BF3 and organized and collaborative team play are fine, but a good DM on COD MW3 with a series of well-placed kills has no equal,
The graphics, despite using an outdated engine, are excellent and the characterization of the characters, as well as the weapons in the foreground, is truly fantastic, the developers have really worked hard to squeeze the most out of the MW3 engine on a graphic level.
There are few negative aspects to describe about the game, apart from the impossibility of reloading your weapon while running, which I personally found extremely annoying; At this moment I can only point out one, the AI ​​of friends and enemies.

It will sometimes happen that, especially in long-lasting fire conflicts, the artificial intelligence of your friends as well as that of your enemies will leave you a little dumbfounded.
In fact, if you run here and there during a shootout, perhaps to get around the enemy, you come across an enemy, you will have a good 40% chance that instead of unloading his entire magazine on you, he will stop to look at you for a few seconds before shooting you. or even turn your back and run away
Now, while this may not exactly be considered a flaw in the AI ​​(for heaven’s sake cowards are found everywhere) it could instead happen that, by backing away in a corridor behind one of your companions or by turning your back on a certain area of ​​enemies, dedicating yourself to other convinced that your teammates cover for you… you will have a bitter surprise… just know that trusting is good, but not trusting is better!
Sometimes in the corridors I found myself facing enemies as soon as I turned the corner, even though in front of me there were other members of my team engaged in the conflict who “technically” should have eliminated the funny guy.
However, I noticed this flaw in rather long conflicts that generally only occur above Expert level, so I can’t assure you anything for the remaining modes.
Well, the time has come to close this review even if I would stop here to talk to you endlessly about this MW3, game modes, graphics, story…

For a long time I believed that games like Battlefield and Call of Duty were competing for control of the market; today, after having played a lot of Battlefield 3 in recent weeks and having tried Modern Warfare 3 for hours today, I feel like saying that they are two games belonging to two different market targets.
If on the one hand the guys at EA DICE have reduced the main single player campaign to the essentials, making it basically a mere tutorial before launching into online multiplayer, on the other hand I would like to praise the work done by the guys at Infinity Ward who have carried on the Modern Warfare saga in an excellent way, giving us a complete and satisfying single player campaign.
Regarding online, it goes without saying that these are different game modes. If in MW3 you can take up the rifle even alone and launch yourself into endless deathmatches guaranteeing a high level of fun, in BF3 you won’t last long playing alone for yourself, but above all you wouldn’t reach the same level of satisfaction obtainable with a nice “conquest” ” with your clan all connected with headset.
Both games are number one in their genre if played properly, EA DICE’s game is more tactical and more cooperative, IW’s is certainly faster and more chaotic, any comparison between the two titles would therefore not lead to a real winner .
Going back to talking only and exclusively about this new COD, I feel like saying that it is an excellent title, which certainly lifts the Activision series from the darkness into which the lack of appreciation of Black Ops by the fans had thrown it.
Going against the trend of what I have recently heard, the game is a worthy heir to its predecessor Modern Warfare 2, equipped with high-level graphics and story and a multiplayer mode that really offers a lot of fun.
If you are a true fan of the saga, if you have loved and appreciated the various chapters of Modern Warfare, you cannot fail to play the new effort given to us by the Infinity Ward team.

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a computer enthusiast with an insatiable appetite for problem-solving. After graduating with a degree in Computer Science in 2010, he embarked on a lifelong journey of exploring the intricacies of technology. For the past 25 years, Fred has dedicated himself to building custom PCs, mastering the art of hardware and software integration. With a deep-rooted belief in the power of coding, he has sought to unravel the complexities of life's challenges through lines of programming. From the early days of DOS 3.3 to the present, Fred has been a steadfast support for users, utilizing his knowledge to assist and guide others in navigating the ever-changing world of technology.