‘I Am Setsuna’ will arrive in the West as a PS4 exclusive on consoles

The renowned developer and distributor Square Enix has announced that he will be in charge of the Western distribution of I Am Setsuna, the colorful RPG from the RPG Factory company known as Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna in Japan. The game will arrive throughout this same summer exclusively for PlayStation 4 and PC.

This installment was launched in Japan last month, although your select platforms They were PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita; an exclusivity that it seems that Sony will continue to retain in part, despite its port to PC. Japan even received a physical version, although we do not know if will also come on disc to the West or will only be available in digital version.

I Am Setsuna features a battle system inspired by “Chrono Trigger” and aims to bring back “authentic RPG gameplay, beautiful art design and a magnificent story”; features that, in the words of the developers, can only be found in classic JRPGs. He main game director is Atsushi Hashimo, who for his part promises a “deep narrative, a striking script and exceptional character development.”

The title already has a teaser page, that you can visit through the following link. If you are interested in taking a look, you can do so through the gameplay below:


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dedicated individual with a profound passion for technology and gaming. He pursued his studies in Computer Engineering at Montgomery, honing his technical skills and knowledge. From his early education at Dollard College, where he completed his VMBO, to the present day, Martin has been immersed in the captivating world of gaming since 1992. Embracing his passion, he has embarked on a freelance career as a technology and gaming writer and editor. Through his insightful content, Martin shares his expertise and experiences with others, offering a unique perspective on the ever-evolving landscape of technology. His unwavering dedication fuels his pursuit of staying at the forefront of the digital realm.