New development diary for ‘DIRT Rally’

Several members of Codemasters have released a new video as a development diary where they explain what they wanted to achieve with DIRT Rally, the first game in the DIRT saga for the current generation of consoles to appear as a temporary exclusive for PC.

In the newspaper, subtitled in Spanish, we can see aspects such as the locations, the recreation of the different surfaces or the recording of the wheels on them, as well as highlighting the importance of user feedback after the beta and the entire experience of those who were able to play it before anyone else.

If you are interested in the game, don’t miss it. DIRT Rally is coming out on sale next 5th of April for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Codemasters talks about ‘DIRT Rally’ extras on consoles

‘DIRT Rally’ is shown on video, in its version for PlayStation 4

‘DIRT Rally’ shows us its multiplayer modes

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