A video of ‘1666: Amsterdam’, from the creator of Assassin’s Creed, is leaked

After the name “1666“has been stumbling on the fight between Ubisoft and Patrice Désiletsthe director of the first two Assassin’s Creed installments and former member of the French company, rights of that number, or rather year, has returned to the hands of Mr. Désiletsnow on the THQ Montreal team.

1666: Amsterdam was going to be a game set in the city of canals and it would put us in the shoes of a strange man in black with a cape, top hat and cane who makes use of black magic to give visions to enemies and control crows, cats and rats.

The game was presented behind closed doors for Xbox 360 and PS3 before the studio closed, leading to its cancellation, although now that Mr. Désilets has recovered the IP it is possible that resume the project and can see the light on current consoles.

The video of the presentation of 1666: Amsterdam has been leaked at low quality, and you can see it below.

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As the CEO of Gamer Pro Corp, I lead a passionate team dedicated to creating immersive gaming experiences. With a background in gaming and a drive for innovation, I strive to push the boundaries of what's possible in the gaming world. Alongside my gaming career, I am also a small business owner, composer, and writer, exploring my creative side in various mediums. I pursued my education at the Munich University of Applied Sciences and hold a BSc in Biochemistry from The University of York, graduating in 2017. I am fueled by a lifelong curiosity and a deep love for the gaming community.