PlayStation was the platform with the most visits to ___hub in 2015

___hub, one of the adult content pages most visited in the world, has published the company’s annual statistics analysis.

Among all the information that can be found, the company has also shared the data on which video game platforms have been the most used for access the website ___Hub.

As you can see in the graphs below, PlayStation has been the winner with 46.9% of visits, not counting the traffic generated from PlayStation Vita. Xbox has been left behind for a while, with 37.9% of the visits. The increase for PlayStation consoles was 17.5%, not counting the 1% increase for PlayStation Vita.

You can take a look at the complete graph next:


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As the CEO of Gamer Pro Corp, I lead a passionate team dedicated to creating immersive gaming experiences. With a background in gaming and a drive for innovation, I strive to push the boundaries of what's possible in the gaming world. Alongside my gaming career, I am also a small business owner, composer, and writer, exploring my creative side in various mediums. I pursued my education at the Munich University of Applied Sciences and hold a BSc in Biochemistry from The University of York, graduating in 2017. I am fueled by a lifelong curiosity and a deep love for the gaming community.