The “largest wave of bans and suspensions” in ‘The Division’ is approaching

In case you are not aware, after the arrival of update 1.1 of the game that included raids Many players began to make use of several newly discovered exploits that allowed them to “cheat” within the game, obtaining both money and equipment. significantly fasterbut also causing a progressive deterioration in playability.

Recently, Community Manager Natchai Stappers stated that there would be consequences for using said exploits, and it seems that he was not wrong. Today an entry that has sparked a lot of controversy was published on the official blog of The Division. The game coming soon will receive “the largest wave of suspensions and bans to date, over the next few days,” referring strictly to players who use engines to implement hacks and cheat.

After being identified, those who are cheating in the game will receive a 14-day suspension instead of 3, for their first warning. If they continue to cheat and get caught again, they will be considered for a permanent ban that will prevent them from accessing the game from any platform.

Regarding exploits, Ubisoft has said the following:

Identifying and fixing bugs before releasing new content is one of the most important steps in game development… Unfortunately, we cannot simulate the experience that millions of different players will have and how they will play the game. As a result, some bugs may slip through bug testing, and may be introduced when an update is released. If it happens that a bug reaches the game and can be used by players to gain experience, we need to be able to react and solve it, but also discourage players from exploiting this bug until it is solved. This is why we will begin to take a stricter stance against players who abuse exploits.


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Meet Umar Coleman, a professional with a wealth of experience in the realm of Linux administration and Unix systems. With a career spanning over two decades, Umar has honed his expertise as a Linux (Red Hat) admin since 2006, building on his earlier experiences with Unix systems from the 80s. Beyond his technical pursuits, he has ventured into radar research engineering and is also a dedicated teacher of Natural Family Planning. As a system administrator, Umar has been instrumental in ensuring the smooth operation of systems since 2005. With a passion for the web, he embraces hardcore web practices and excels as a social media specialist. A devoted music scholar, Umar constantly explores the diverse realms of music. As an entrepreneur, he pursues his ambitions while also indulging in his love for food as a wannabe food fan. In his leisure time, Umar enjoys gaming, immersing himself in captivating virtual worlds.