PS4 has “a slight advantage” over Xbox One in ‘The Division’ beta

The Digital Foundry medium recently published a graphical comparison analyzing the performance of the Tom Clancy’s The Division beta on PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s desktop platform, Xbox One.

As can be seen in the comparison, Ubisoft has done a magnificent job development in performance issues. The game runs at “a solid 30 FPS” with adaptive sync and we only found slight frame drops in the Xbox One version and very rarely; just “a slight difference” between both versions.

If you are interested in check it out for yourselfyou can do it in the video below:


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an accomplished IT professional with a wealth of experience in the high-tech industry. As the IT Team Lead for Validation and Embedded Software at Qualcomm, he leverages his expertise to drive innovation and ensure optimal performance. With a career spanning over 40 years in Silicon Valley startups and consulting, Henry has been at the forefront of technological advancements. From software engineering to management positions, his diverse skill set has enabled him to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology. Currently, as an IT Manager and Web Administrator, Henry continues to contribute his knowledge and expertise to shape the digital future.