‘Star Wars Battlefront’ ‘Bespin’ Expansion Arrives in June, Includes Lando Calrissian

Electronic Arts and DICE launched late last year the most recent delivery from one of the most anticipated franchises in recent years, Star Wars Battlefront, from which we had not received a game since the PlayStation 2 generation.

Now in the current generation, despite its initial controversy, it looks and behaves so fantastically which has already been signed for virtual reality with PlayStation VR. In terms of content, however, we can all agree that more maps and characters are always good, so we’re glad that the next expansion called “Bespin” is already on its way.

Specifically during the month of June, EA plans launch this new pack which will include four new maps available in the most popular game modes, AT-AT in Cloud City, the possibility of fighting with fighters in this environment and spending some time in a carbonite chamber. Those of you who know about Star Wars probably do too. you will be familiar with the name of the title, Lando Calrissian, who will be the hero available in this DLC accompanied by the villain Dengar, who will seek revenge on Han Solo.

In addition to this, the game will receive soon new free content such as more double experience weekends, community missions, Hutt Contracts and more “surprises”; especially for those who ask for “more ways to enjoy Star Wars Battlefront offline.”


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